Jeliel is the guardian angel for people born between March 26 and March 30. He has a masculine energy and represents the 6th and 10th degree of Aries. In the angel hierarchy he is a Seraph, he is part of the sefirah of Kether, and his governing Archangel is Metatron. His planetary energies are Neptune / Saturn and he represents the element of Fire.

His name means: Helpful God.

He symbolizes: Fertility and Fidelity. He provides fertility to others and rules over peaceful love and fidelity. The angel Jeliel's stone is Kunzite and his colors are Pale Blue / Pale Green. Of the 7 deadly sins, he rules over: Greed.

The qualities given to you by the angel Jeliel

The angel Jeliel allows you to receive love and wisdom into your life. He helps you in the life you have with your partner and in the relationships you have with your loved ones. He can give you the power to control any and all kinds of reality.

Jeliel brings you an alliance written in the stars which will allow you to find a kind of serenity, no matter what you may come across during your life’s journey.

He will help you in your relationship with your partner by bringing you emotional strength and stability, peace of mind, as well as fertility which will be of valuable support if you are awaiting motherhood.

The angel Jeliel also guarantees the fidelity of your partner. He allows you to resolve any arguments or disagreements of a romantic nature and also helps you to develop your generous side which will lead you to want to spread the love of the divine all around you.

He gives you the ability to be a good mediator and helps you to make concessions with others. He is a symbol of the unity between a man and a woman and guides you towards a pleasant and harmonious way of life.

On the spiritual level he shares with you the powerful word to inspire you and bring you calm, thus allowing you to put an end to your inner conflicts. The angel Jeliel will also give you great powers of persuasion and a great clarity when it comes to all theoretical matters.

The imbalances regulated by the angel Jeliel

The angel Jeliel allows you to counteract any lack of love or inner wisdom in your life. He also shows you how to overcome the difficulties you may face in your life with your partner.

He regulates any depraved habits or behaviors and protects you from corruption and from associating with the wrong kinds of people. He resolves all long-term conflicts as well as arguments and tyrannical behavior.

He is very powerful in the realm of love. He protects you from disharmony with your partner to protect you from separation or divorce. He also has influence in the area of sexuality and over one's private life.

The angel Jeliel also influences people who are too selfish to agree to life in a relationship or to have children. He can also alleviate difficulties finding a partner.

When should I communicate with the angel Jeliel?

Time - Physical:
March 26 - March 30
Time - Intellectual:
00:20 - 00:40
Time - Emotional:
January 10, 00:00 - 23:59
March 22, 00:00 - 23:59
June 4, 00:00 - 23:59
August 18, 00:00 - 23:59
August 19, 00:00 - 12:00
October 31, 00:00 - 23:59

What can I ask the angel Jeliel?

You can pray to the angel Jeliel so that he may fill you with his energies of love and wisdom. He will also give you help in your romantic life and you can ask for his help in creating connections with others or if you wish to form a union with someone.

Jeliel is the recommended guardian angel to pray to if you desire to have a child and offers fertility to women wishing to become mothers. He also brings fidelity to your partner which will guarantee you serenity in the realm of love.

You can also ask the angel Jeliel to help you mediate between others. To support you in this he offers you the virtue of reconciliation which will not only help you but also help lots of other people as well.


Leave a prayer for Jeliel

38 responses to “Jeliel”

  1. Please guide me inward to find a place of loving🙏🏾 and i thank you for always being there for me

  2. Angel Jeliel please help me recover all passions with a whole lots of joy and also help my godfather Mr. Daniel and the wife to have twins or triplets.with healings of my brother and the wife too thank and sure all glory to Yahweh. Help my mother with long life and good health… let my military ambitions to be fulfilled

  3. Dear Jeleil glad to know u.i ask u help change my financial status.grant me connections and let there be divine connection with my soulmate,one that will be abundance of love,understanding,respect and most especially the fear of God.

  4. Hello Angel jeliel, I need twins babies, a boy and a girl next year 2033, I want to grow old like and better than my grand parents in love. Peace. Happiness. good health, wealth n riches,Amen and i wish my children n generations to come same

  5. My dear angel jeliel thank unfor always guide me in difficult times to guide me to learn more to growth pls help me to connect comeback fast my love one in our family help him to learb to be honest loyalty real love long time patner to stop creating drama and stop cheating

  6. Guardian Jeliel I have been trying to conceive for years I am 44 and childless.. I am humbly asking for twins. I pray

  7. I want to find my soulmate and want to feel unconditional love and create a peaceful and lovely nature in my family friends and in this world and want to help those who are in trouble Ameen

  8. Jeliel, my dear angel
    Help me overcome the fear the loose those I love,
    And the hurry that I have to make everything happen fast
    Help to persevere in this new relationship,
    So I can have strength and share my inner Love and Wisdom,
    So I can shine,
    And be a vessel of God’s Love
    Of Christ Impulse.

  9. My Guadian angel thank you for watching over me,please help me find a job and keep giving me wisdom,stabilize my finance thank you Yeliel.

  10. Thank you! Yeliel my guardian Angel…For all your guidance. protection, wisdom and love…My wish/dreams is to be connected my true love, soulmate and hearts desire…Please lead the way and shall follow..I Love you, My Angel..Thank you, Great Creator, Jesus, Mary, ArchAngels, & Yeliel
    P.S World Peace would Be nice..
    Thank you, I Love You, Please forgive me, I am Sorry! Amen

  11. Today I call on my guardian angel jeliel to please connect with me I thankyou for your guidance and would ask you to assist to bring love back into my life and to heal any past relationships and misunderstandings I am ready to welcome true love into my life and receive my soul mate blessed be my angel love and light

  12. always help me with my problems and always guide me so that I can achieve my dreams. please don”t ever leave my side and lastly please give me my soulmate.

  13. Hey Jeliel, I wish that you will help me find not only handsome but a kind, loving person to share my life with. As I hope that you will guide me to my special someone.

  14. Hi my Angel Jeliel you so remarkable Angel you turned my life from worse to better now I am a taxi driver and am very happy with my New job. Thanks to you my Angel Jeliel.

    Now I need to be able to control my finances very well and buy myself a car and build my house.

    Your interventions will be helpful and it’s highly appreciated and accepted to me

    • Thanks you angel jeliel for helping me in times of trouble I need you more please connect me to my destiny helpers and make me to understand your ways thanks

  15. Dear my jeliel angel I would like to thank you so much for opening the gate of my success in job hunting as I found this jobs please help me to be strong and keep it for long term and please make my plans for future to happen.


    again my Jeliel angel help me to find the honest soulmate who can love and respect me or if the one am with help her to be honest and she should respect me and do what I say. Make her stop being stubborn and chickie and cheating. Love you my angel with all my heart.

  16. Angel jeliel it’s Bennet again please unlock my financial doors and give me a stable financial solutions

    And please make my partner to be honest and open to me, make her stop cheating

  17. Dear jeliel angel make my partner to be honest and make her stop cheating and please give me a chance to have a job or get better in finance.

  18. Jeliel its me again help me and my partner to resolve our arguments and disagreements. Guide us towards a pleasant and harmonious life.allows us to put an end to our inner conflicts. Thanx love you Jeliel my Angel

  19. Thank you for finally letting me know your name. You have helped me so much that I honestly could not ask for anything more of you, except to continue to watch over me and to lead me back if I becomee astray. Namaste

  20. PlS Angel jaliel help me have health relationship with my wife and children . Help us to be united in love to love one another .no cheating between us and improved our financial situation pls Jalirl

  21. Dear Archangel Jeliel
    Please help me with my current relationship. I feel I have found my soulmate. Help me to fortify it so that we can love and care for each other more and more each day.

  22. My Angel Yeliel please help me find life paternal this year 2020. Bless my womb with 4 children help me to fulfill my destiny, protect me and my love once and bless me financially.

  23. Dear Jelie,
    I pray to you for my lovers and daughters forgiveness. I was impulsive and I caused hurt. I know he still loves me but he will shut me out. I want to live in the warmth of his sun to circle his orbit. I want her forgiveness because I don’t want her to feel as if I ever left her. My greatest accomplishment is her. Let them both know my love is real and exudes for them. I want my family him, his son and my daughter. I also pray for the child we should have had together.

  24. Dear Jeliel, please make everyone wishes come true, bless them who wrote here and across all realms.
    I have selfish heart.

  25. You are my guardian angel and I would like to thank you for watching over me and protecting me. Thank you for the peace you bring into the universe and the love you help us experience. Thank you and may God’s favour continue to shine upon you as you help the Earth in this new phase of creation.

  26. Angel Jeliel, you are my son Angel. His name is Uriel. I thank God In a special way for him and I pray that God will use you to bring all his purpose of creating him to positivity to Glory of His Name, Amen. Please bestow him with all excellent things life can offer, always be with him and never allow any evil come his way, Amen. Thank you Lord for making me to know my sons Angel. May your Name alone be Glorified. Amen.

  27. you are my wife’s Guardian. My guardian is Achaiah, she is an Aries and i am on the cusp for Aries and Taurus. You could imagine all the horns always bumping together. We have a lot of problems but the only one we need help with is communication. We don’t know when to stop and make minuscule disagreements huge and sometimes violent situations. She hits me and hits me because of all the ways people have done her wrong. I can take it but she lets people take advantage of her kindness and she bottles up all the aggression towards others and then takes it out on me as soon as we have any disagreement. I think we will get better as our lives become better, but if we could move forward today I would be extremely happy. I love her with all my heart and I want her to feel free and happy, but i really don’t know what to do to help. So I’m reaching out for you Jeliel. Please help Rachel because she’s giving up on god and life in general.

    • Rachel would benefit from the assistance of a therapist who can help her resolve the issues that cause her so much pain. Never allow yourself to be abused, neither physically, emotionally, or mentally. You are a child of God as is she. You both are deserving of respect and dignity. Love does not hurt anyone. Love yourself first, for God created you as God created Rachel. But she needs help to stop abusing you.

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