Veuliah is the guardian angel for people born between October 24 and October 28. He has a feminine energy and represents the 0 and 5th degree of Scorpio. In the angel hierarchy he is a Virtue, he is part of the sefirah of Tiphereth, and his governing Archangel is Michael. His planetary energies are The Sun / Jupiter and he represents the element of Water.

His name means: God Who Rules.

He symbolizes: Prosperity. He offers success and advancement in your endeavors and makes prosperity reign within them. He also frees you from anxiety and domination. The angel Veuliah's stone is Emerald and his colors are Pale Violet / Pale Green. Of the 7 Weapons of the Knight, he rules over: The Knight's Shield.

The qualities given to you by the angel Veuliah

Veuliah is the angel of good fortune and success. He can bring you wealth, joy, and abundance. He gives you a great amount of noble feelings to help your serenity and fulfillment.

He is also the guardian angel who has the power to enrich your soul. He can free your mind of dark thoughts and motivations as well as any immoral or indecent tendencies. The angel Veuliah brings help when battling inner and outer demons.

This guardian angel will also help you to give to others unconditionally. He will help you in your efforts to come to the aid of others through his ability to bring growth and development to all. He will also help you to understand the meaning of karma, that we reap what we sow; and to understand that money is a force that can be used both wisely and unwisely.

People under the influence of this patron angel have a visionary outlook as he offers them the ability to predict and prepare for things in advance. He gives a natural power and a trust towards one's superiors to all those who pray to him. He brings help to future leaders. He is the angel who looks after people who work in business, commerce, finance, management, and administration. He gives people the capacity to offer their devotion in a wise, detached, and appropriate manner.

The imbalances regulated by the angel Veuliah

The angel Veuliah protects you from deceptive and false forms of wealth as well as from materialistic thoughts. He also keeps you from searching for a utopia made by man. He prevents you from seeking wealth obtained through illegal means and fixes any waste of energy or money. He rids from your mind the idea that everything can be bought with money. He also rids your mind of any conceited individualism or egotism.

He helps you in times of destitution, adversity, loss of assets, theft, greed, and conflict. He also relieves you of any doubts concerning your future and any profound forms of insecurity by separating any bad karma or potential problems from your creative pursuits and acts.

Veuliah helps those who are narrow-minded, who have restrictive mindsets, or whose minds are distorted by individual power. He keeps you from any excess of power and from existential struggle. He also defends against separatist beliefs, breakups, confrontation, heartbreak, and rebellion.

The angel Veuliah also fixes any lack of wisdom or love as well as any inferiority or superiority complexes.

When should I communicate with the angel Veuliah?

Time - Physical:
October 24 - October 28
Time - Intellectual:
14:00 - 14:20
Time - Emotional:
February 19, 00:00 - 23:59
May 3, 00:00 - 23:59
July 17, 00:00 - 23:59
September 30, 00:00 - 23:59
December 11, 00:00 - 23:59

What can I ask the angel Veuliah?

If you are in the pursuit of abundance and wealth, you can pray to the patron guardian angel Veuliah and he will bring you all of this. Do you seek professional success without making money your only motivation? Call upon this angel, and he will bring you what you deserve.

As the kind of person who is in the constant pursuit of peace and serenity, the guardian angel Veuliah will help you to obtain these things. All you have to do is ask, and he will bring you freedom both on the inside and on the outside. He can be called upon at any moment no matter what it is that you desire in order to achieve a more peaceful and serene way of life.


Leave a prayer for Veuliah

88 responses to “Veuliah”

  1. My dearest guardian Angel Vueliah, The God who rules, the Angel of prosperity, the 43rd kabalala, the Angel of succsess, I thank you for always being there for me in all that I do even though I did not reqest for it. Now my guardian Angel Vueliah connect with me in all my endevour, protect me from danger, prosper me in all my endevour, preserve me from house hold enemies and house wickedness, be with me always in all my endevours.

  2. thank you my guardian veuliah for the guidance and peace of mind, i humbly ask you my wish and my heart desire not only for my sake but for all my family and humanity,,, i pray to you oh guardian angel veuliah, in jesus name and in your power to guide me i pray …. AMEN

  3. thank you,Veuliah for free my mind of dark thoughts, for bringing me help through the battle of my inner and outer demons!!!.
    thank you,Veuliah for helping me in times of adversity,greed, and conflict!!!
    ;thank you,Veuliah for giving me relief of any doubts concerning my future !!!

  4. Thank you my guardian Angel Veuliah for giving me the opportunity to come across you and also know you better. I ask that you reveal yourself to me even more and that you continue to bless and guide me in everything that I do. Give me peace of mind and prosperity for the rest of my life Amen.

  5. My guardian angel veuliah bless me came to my life bless my soul give me Power over my enemies and prosperity.
    Help me to change immoral behavior, help me to get nice job of my professional

  6. My guardian angel Veuliah bless the work of my hands so that i can help others,and let there be joy and happiness in my relationship, life and happiness.Let me be a wealthy woman.

  7. Angel Veuliah I greet you in the name of Jesus. Thank you that you always show up for me on time, especially when I need you the most. Angel Veuliah I invoke you tonhwlp me find a secure affordable home for me and my daughter. My contract was terminated at work, I ha e been slacking in my business because of low motivation. Angel Veuliah help find a home that can house us as I pursue goals that will help me build my own home. Please . I am looking for a 2bedroom master self contained own yard gated K 2800 abundance of water, power good location. I thank you that you are graceful towards me and my family . I believe that you contacting me is a sign of your love for me and my family. I thank you for the prosperity you are giving me but most importantly protecting and my family. I thank you in Jesus name amen.

  8. Thank you Guardian Angel Veuliah. I ask you to help me with my ecommerce store. I ask for success wealth and prosperity. I thank you for things you gave me and the path you have set out for me. I am grateful!

    • Dear, Angel Vehuliah, my inner person is drowning in a sea of emmotions, the pain is unbearable by the day, all i ask for is peace, to feel the lump in my chest lifted and for once find a person who genuinely loves me.

  9. Dear Angel VELUIAH
    Kindly bless me and my family with protections against the attacks of evilness and any evil forms. Bless us always with light of abundance, progress and manifestation of prosperity in life. Shower me and my family with love, joy, and forgiveness. Surround us with profitable friends. Bless all our projects will progress abundantly. Protect us from evil curses. Thank you. Love you

  10. My guardian angel veuliah, blessed me all strangle my life,and help me to become a good person,heal me, help me And my family,thank you our angelπŸ™

  11. Dear my beloved Angel Veuliah I pray to you to give us Peace, Serenity, Abundance and wealth during this election dated 9th August in Kenya and every other spiritual activities around the Globe. Thank you

    • To my guardian angel Veuliah, help me to overcome my problems in life, love relationship, work and career. Shower me with peace, abundance and blessings. Fix my love relationship as soon as possible. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  12. My guardian angel Veuliah please bless Lissette Rubio Gonzales and clear he mind of all negative thoughts, so she can begin he path in life where she is supposed to be. Give her prosperity and bless her soul.

    Thank you

  13. To my guardian angel veuliah; after learning of your existence I pray for you to purge me of my negative thoughts and free my mind to positivity. I pray for my future success as a cafe owner. Pray that you guide me down the righteous path of good and kindness and not the road of pain and misery.

  14. My God assigned guardian Veuliah I’m thankful for the knowledge of you. I’m grateful that you are here for me. I pray that you guide, lead, and bless me that I may fulfill my purpose in life.

    • Thank you my guardian angel for protecting me always please I need a financial breakthrough.

  15. Dear Veuliah. Bless and guide me through my wedding next week. Help me be strong and have courage with and conflicts in my mind of family not able to attend. And give them peace and understanding.
    Let me be free and detached from negative thoughts.
    Thank you

  16. To you I pray my dear angel Velluiah, thanking you for the noble peace, happiness and abundance in our lives. Amen πŸ™

    I trust you and love you.

  17. I thank you my Guidian Angel VEULIAH.there is so much i want to ask from you this day and single and it is my desire and will to find my wife before the year comes to an end.i need your help in other to do this.i ask you my Guidian Angel Veuliah to lead me and help me to find a wife and also grant me the ability to be prosperous in life.i want to be rich but not to be controlled by riches.and also the ability to conquer my bad habits and character and give glory to God Almighty. AMEN

  18. My Guardian Angel Veuliah Protection Guidance Blessings Abundance Peace Love Prosperity travel journey
    Health of my family and us visa interview approve thank you for guiding me alwaysπŸ™

  19. Thank you Veuliah my guardian Angel for being here to protect me please Bless me and my Love ones with Health Wealth and Happiness let the abundance come to me so i can help my Family my Love ones
    Thank you for send Archangel Michael to to protect from the evil and blessing me and my Love ones Thank you
    Amen πŸ™πŸΌπŸ‘ΌπŸ»

  20. Archangel Veuliah,

    Thank you to help me to destroy my ennemies and to have peace with that.

    Thank you to help me to help people around me and have success at work.

  21. First time knowing you are my God assigned guardian angel
    Fulfill the purpose to which GOD created you for me in my life
    Protect from evil one.grant me wisdom, knowledge love ,wealth good health and GOD fearing wife that will help me fulfill my divine call towards eternity

  22. my guardian angel veuliah,welcome in all areas of my life and grant my hearts desires.i am happy that i’m not alone.thanks.

  23. Am very grateful to you my lovely Angel Veuliah. I wouldn’t have gotten this far without the execution commands of our Lord Jesus. You have led me into a business I never thought to do. I ask you to support me with the strength and favor to make this business more successful every month. Thank you for making this happen. Amen – Selah-

  24. thank you so much my angel Veuliah for keeping me near and dear to your heart.Please free me from my house and my troubled mind and let me have fun outside and be my true self.Thank you.

  25. Dear Veuliah, please free my troubled mind and help me be my true self please free me from the past and help me grow into my authentic self please give me a sign that I’m nearing the end of my journey please erase my mind of self doubt and dwelling on the past please carry me forward so I can take the last steps please guide me on this journey and bless my soul help me stop slipping back into old habits and help me make new ones and help me grow into a new person Amen

  26. Thank you my angel Veuliah for keep me near and dear to your heart over the years. Please continue to bless and guide me.

  27. Everdearests to my heart
    I thank you both ahead of time for the good fortune and abundant wealth that i shall have. I want to live my life worry free financially. Please be with my mother and children and guide and keep them and my grands safe from sickness and harm. Bless me and mine in anyway you see fit or deserve and i love you in the glory that we all should. These things i ask and pray in all your precious names Amen

  28. Dear Guardian Angel Veuliah I welcome your presence and guidance in all circumstances, you know my hearts desires, my plans and projects. Guard and protect them and may them succeed as it will be to help develop a community.

    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for all my blessings, I am ready and grateful to receive them.

  29. My guardian angel veuliah plz help me I call on u to help me plz cos at my age have suffered alot I need a good paying job to be successful in life plz

  30. Dear angel ,watch over me as never me succeed Academically, Socially and Give me the Heart to help those really in need.
    Prevent me from falling into temtations and free me from all evil acts and people

  31. My guardian angel Veuliah, l thank you for protecting me all these years. I pray you will continue to protect and also provide for me throughout my lifetime. Let my feeling become part of your mentality, let my desire inspired reasons for noble help, partispate in my battle of life, preserve me from any thing evil that can couse me regret or trouble, ocher me into prosperity and abundant. Keep me safe from hatred and house hold enemies.

  32. My Angel Veuliah thank you for guiding me and strengthen me, when I’m in the midst of darkness. You are my hope, you cleared my soul. I offered my life to you, my angel.

  33. Thank you Veuliah for being with me when I need
    You know what I need and you are here to help support and bless me
    My soul is comforted
    I feel peace and love
    Thank you

  34. My dear Angel, i really need a sign tomorrow to show that you truly care by sending me a gift. U know my heart desires. I have been searching for a way to communicate with you all these years. Prove to me that you really care. Help me clear every debt attached to my name. And show me the wonders of God. Bring forth the fulfillment of your promises for the year 2020 and restore all the lost glories in my destiny. Answer me speedily when i call.

  35. My guardian angel Veuliah, bless me to put down my old patterns and bring me freedom in the inside and outside. Help me through the storms and to fulfill my mission. Thank you.

  36. God I pray that you send Veuliah to bring your promised blessings to me of health, wealth, marriage and children. In Jesus mighty name Amen

  37. My guardian angel is Veuliah. I need love, peace, and freedom in my life. I cometh to ask you, can you be my guardian angel, heal and protect me, from the evil. I’m tired of being depressed. I’m tired of my mind being dark. To the gods and angels above, amen.

  38. Dear my Guardian angel Veuliah i thank you for all the moments that you have directed and gurded my path towards righteousness,i thank you for delivering all my blessings thank you for fighting my visible and invisble battles. Dear angel Whom Almighty God has Assigned ever to be at my side to guide and to rule please obtain for me the grace of finding a new fullfilling job and the grace of a Holy marriage to my fiancee Lino.Amen

  39. My Angel Veuliah, thank you for all you have done for me since I came into being. Am grateful to God who has revealed you to me. Many a time I have gone through so much distress, never knowing that God assigned you to me. I believe this is all God’s timing. I feel my life is moving from grace to glory now. I acknowledge you today and going forth, and may you do for me all that God has assigned you to do in my life. You know all of my heart’s desires, please help me to receive all of them. I am grateful and I thank you.

  40. My Guardian Angel Veuliah, thank you for making yourself known to me. I thank you for all you have done for me to date. My wish is that you assist me in awakening and living my true life. I want to continue to help people with healing using my amazing gift as a Reiki Master, Meditation Teacher and Angel Card Reader.
    Assist me awakening my knowledge in Plant Medicines, which I love so much and would like to see all humans go back to using herbal medicines, as our birth right. Thank you – I LOVE YOU.

  41. My guardian angel Veuliah, bless me to put down my old patterns and bring me freedom in the inside and outside. Help me through the storms and to fulfill my mission. Thank you.

  42. my guardian angel Veuliah,please help me understand my sself better, help me attain a stable income, enough only to make me able to take care of the less previlledged, give me wisdom to start lasting inventories,and guide me to finding a long lasting love with deep affection.

  43. My guardian Angel veulaih ,thanks for the work of guiding and directing me,pls help get rid of my negative karma and let my positive karma bonus come to manifestation in my life, all those that have used their evil act to covert my good fortune for themselves, veulaih let all be return and full recover in all aspect of my life

  44. Thank you for your divine energy, pls continue to be my guide in all my endeavors, actions and reaction to life. God bless you more

  45. Thank you Guardian Angel Veuliah for your guidance, especially at.this difficult time for my family.

    Thank you for helping us all to stay calm,and grounded. Please keep us protected from all negative energies that are affecting our lives.

    Thank you thank you thank you

  46. Thank you mighty one. Thank you for all you have done for me. Preserve and strengthen my heart, that I may live to fulfil my destiny

  47. My guardian angel Veuliah I love and thank you for everything you have done for me and I thank you for the things you doing for me now to start my future !!

  48. My guardian angel veuliah, thank you for being there for me… Please help me with my financial situation, I need money to pay my depth

  49. my guardian Angel help me to be the best richest agronomist in the world. my farm, property, hope of charitable works organisation, marriage, health, spiritual life may it be well with me

  50. My guardian angel .
    I have my inner battles to fight. Be my strength and courage stand by my side as you always do. Love me my guardian angel veuliah as you always do .

  51. My Guardian Angel Veuliah .bless me with great financial fortune and let me a prominent man in the maritime industry ,a philanthropist and bless me to bless others πŸ™


  53. Pls my guardian angel Veuliah I need your help I am in financial distress. I need financial blessing to enable me pay my bills pls help me now

  54. My dear angel .. I beg you to help me obtain the money goal I’m struggling with…so that I can enjoy a financial security Finance & be able to help others..especially those in need .. send me my lucky numbers for the lottery .. that I may be able to help the church…elderly..n. homeless carry the message of GOD almighty. Love you so much .. ask Michael to please put me under his wings ..bless me with a job …thank you honorable mentors ..

  55. To my dear guardian Angel Veuliah

    Thank you for being in my life. At the moment I feel like I’m at my lowest if not weakest please help me financially, spiritually and socially. I need your guidance and support. I would like to build a house for my kids and have a lovely,peaceful family/home. Please guide me.

  56. Thank you Veuliah for your love and guidance throughout my life. I just ask that you bless my kids and I with better health, wealth, and prosperity. Please continue to be a guiding force in my life. Help me become spiritual and free.

  57. Dear Guardian Angel Veuliah,

    All I ask to you as Supreme God’s one of the intercessors :
    First, my mothers’, healthy state and me as well, successes on my job, marriage with my boyfriend, freedom from debts and finally reconciliation among all my foes. Thank you.

  58. thank you my Angel Veuliah andd arch angel michael for protecting and guarding me please as we are entering this new year please open the doors of wealth ,properity and good health to me i ask that you should bless me to continue to be a blessing to others .

  59. Thank you Angel Veuliah, (and Michael), for all you have done and continue to do for me. Please allow me to buy homes for my family, and pay off all debts, and ability to travel often with my family, and love. Please keep me successful with my work, and continue to protect and guide me.

  60. Thank you Angel Veuliah, this is my first time dealing with this and all I ask is for prosperity for my family and I economically wise and peace and love between my best friend and I, thank you so much.

  61. My guardian angel Veuliah I am in trouble and I need your help to free me from it all. Turn things around in my favour. Amen

  62. Thank you Angel Veuliah for your guidance and protection.Guide me through my new endeavours.Bless me with success, peace and prosperity.

  63. Thank you πŸ™ Thank for always being with me protecting and guiding me πŸ‘‘I love you and thank you for loving meπŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘

  64. My guardian Angel Veuliah. I ask you to pray for me to my God to accomplish his promise for the fruit of the womb in my life. I pray for beautiful God fearing babies and for a breakthrough as I build my home .

  65. Dear Angel Veuliah please I need you to make me prosperious in my haulage and logistics career so I can render service to humans and industries also to profer solution to problems that may arise from transportation industry. I also need wisdom and blessing in all area of my life and my family thank you my dear Angel VEULIAH.

  66. My guardian Angel Veuliah, I am new to this and I seek your guidance towards my retirement. I need, peace, harmony, love and care. Thank you.

  67. my guardian angel Veuliah I thank you a lot for protecting me from all evils and showing light and way to our Father in heaven.
    my guardian angel pray that you can bless me with knowledge and wisdom to understand more God’s way and I pray that you can bless me successful business that will enable me to help young babies dropped on street and babies homes not and I pray to you to bless me with God fear wife who is developmental and loving and hardworking one and she will produce me good and beautiful babies and guide me in my studies and I need professional success in my hardworking and pray that enable God’s will to work in my life and bless my family with all they heart needs and bless my love ketra loyce and I pray to you let her be the one if it’s according to God’s will in our life and all in all let God’s will work in my life

  68. My guardian Angel Veuliah. I ask that you please bless me with happiness in serving god my father and bless me with a home that I can plant my roots in. Dear Angel Veuliah please bless my family financially and good health. Thank you always watching over me and my kids and Jesse. As well as his kids.

  69. First Things come in His time. Blessed are the poor in heart for they will be consoled. With a keen mind and bright outlook take your first steps toward discovery and prosperity and abundance are blessings waiting for each of you. My holiest number is the very first day to be blessed. Each day after is exponential. Believe and never settle for less neither in name nor number. God bless these children with your super abundance and holy gifts Amen!

  70. My guardian Angel Veuliah, help me to focus on my career as a nurse so that I can reach my highest potential and help those in need. Bless me with prosperity and abundance and help me to not be selfish with that which I am blessed with.

  71. My deepest gratitude to be in your grace. Thank you for guiding me to my life purpose. Thank you for standing beside me as I continue serving with a devoted heart. Thank you for your loving presence.

  72. My guardian angel veuliah I thank you for all you have done for me, my family and my love once and I need your help in my love life, studies,my family’s and my fiance I need wisdom and understand in my daily activities

  73. Thank you for all you have done for me physically, emotionally and materially. Continue guiding and protecting me so that my work does not only prove fruitful for me, but also to all I serve and guide.

  74. My guardian angel veuliah bless me, bless me, bless me, bless me I am your baby bless me bless me I want name in my profession of lawyer and shall work for the mankind bless me bless me

  75. My Guardian Angel Veuliah, thank you for a lifetime for guiding me. Please bless me so that I create my Biodiversity Empire that benefits women, students, senior citizens and all vulnerable biodiversity. Kindly bless me as I focus all my academics of Economics, Management Accounting, Exponential Technology, Multimedia and Natural Sciences to create, sustain and grow my environment Empire.

    • My guardian angel veuliah bless me came to my life bless my soul give me Power over my enemies and prosperity

      • My Guardian Angel, Angel Veuliah, thank you for always being there for me even though I didn’t think of your existence but you are always there for me, Thank you for the protection, Mercy, and success in all my endeavors, Right now i ask for breakthrough in everything i do in life, Bless the works of my hand, I pray this year 2023, let all my heart desire fall in place with me, I pray let people willing to help me and favor me unconditional, I pray for my Mother and Father, keep them healthy and protect them from any evil, give them the strength to wait for me till i come back, and i pray let my coming back bring an eternal joy, happiness to my family forever, let any body i seek of help willing to help with no conditions, My Glorious Guardian Angel Veuliah, Bless me, let everyday of my life from now on be of greater achievement and fulfillment, this all i ask of you My Guardian Angel (Angel Veuliah) help me and give me the desire to always ask of you in all my life.

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