Lecabel is the guardian angel for people born between August 23 and August 28. He has a masculine energy and represents the 0 and 5th degree of Virgo. In the angel hierarchy he is a Domination, he is part of the sefirah of Hesed, and his governing Archangel is Zadkiel. His planetary energies are Jupiter / Mercury and he represents the element of Earth.

His name means: God Who Inspires Others.

He symbolizes: Glory and Enlightenment. He offers you natural talent which will bring you glory and wealth. He gives you the ability to master agriculture and to have good harvests both figuratively and literally. The angel Lecabel's stone is Moonstone and his colors are Colorless / Purple. Of the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit, he rules over: Science.

The qualities given to you by the angel Lecabel

The guardian angel Lecabel gives you the ability to easily resolve the different problems in your life. Through his light he will bring you great powers of judgment and intelligence to allow you to find the most practical solutions to your problems.

He will also bring you a love of accuracy and precision. He will be a valuable source of support in studies related to business and the exact sciences. He will help you in the pursuit of excellence and your quest for order in every aspect of your life. Under his protection you will also be able to control your emotions through your powers of reason.

With the help of this guardian angel you will become a creator, a decision-maker, a conceptualizer, and a planner for the future. He will channel an abundance of creative and brilliant concepts into your mind.

Lecabel will allow you to make revelations concerning the movements of the cosmos through simple observation of those things which are minutely small by comparison. You will also come to respect the steps and phases involved in planning for the long term.

The imbalances regulated by the angel Lecabel

The guardian angel Lecabel will help you if you are lacking in skill, ideas, or inspiration, or if you have anxiety resulting from the fact that you are not making full use of your talents.

He will help you if you have a tendency to manipulate or to abuse your peers; and if your insecurity leads you to become obsessed with success, he will help you with this as well. He will protect you from social climbers, greedy people, and tricksters.

Lecabel will also keep you from illegal ventures, drug trafficking, and shady business dealings. He will also help you if you are overly critical in the way you live your life or if you are a perfectionist who is never able to become satisfied.

This guardian angel is your patron and protector and will keep you from distraction, carelessness, waste, and an “I don’t care” mentality. He will also keep you from bad use of your capital and your resources, as well as business losses, bankruptcy, unresolvable problems, and more.

Furthermore, the angel Lecabel will keep you from exclusivity. He will help you if you are overly attached to results, if you act too rashly, or if you try to force the hand of fate.

When should I communicate with the angel Lecabel?

Time - Physical:
August 23 - August 28
Time - Intellectual:
10:00 - 10:20
Time - Emotional:
February 7, 00:00 - 23:59
April 21, 00:00 - 23:59
July 4, 00:00 - 23:59
July 5, 00:00 - 12:00
September 17, 00:00 - 23:59
November 29, 00:00 - 23:59

What can I ask the angel Lecabel?

If you are in the pursuit of intelligence and excellence, the easiest way to achieve these things is simply to pray to the guardian angel Lecabel. With the light of this angel, you will acquire a taste for astronomy and mathematics. Do not forget that he is the angel of talent who supports the arts and sciences and helps to foster success. He has the power to help you find your fortune through talent alone.

In your work, he will help you to have a strong sense of organization and precision as well as creativity. However, this is on condition that you call upon him and ask him for this first.

If you want to show off your talents, ask for the help and support of the protective guardian angel Lecabel. If you ask him, he will also help you to overcome your emotional states through your reasoning abilities and to demonstrate a good sense of judgment and strategy even in the most difficult of situations.


Leave a prayer for Lecabel

92 responses to “Lecabel”

  1. My Guardian Angel Lecabel, kindly continue to be my guide, my protector since my birth to the present. Help me to surpass and succeed every challenges this world throws at me. I thank the our LORD ALMIGHTY for assigning you to me. AMEN and AMEN

  2. Dear Angel Lecabel,

    Thank you for communicating with me today through mirror hour 10.10 Saturday 27/07/2024.
    I am so grateful for your presence and message that I have received and I am very thankful that you are here and supporting me.
    Please give me the support and guidance needed for my personal growth and overcoming my obstacles, especially with strength to fight my addiction.
    Please bless my family and friends and watch over us all.
    I thank you so much. I thank the universe, holy spirits , divine celestial realms and angels. Thank you heavenly Farther and our savour Jesus.
    My gratitude and appreciation towards all of you is in abundance.
    Blessed be.

  3. Dear Angel Lecabel.
    Please, guide me to find my life purpose, to be a loving and healing psychic light for the world and all the people on it. Help me to manifest goodness and world peace for all beings. Help me find happiness and good fortune to ease my journey that I may live my life for the good of all. Thank you Thank you Thank you.

  4. meliora lecabel, thank you for guiding me and opening doors for me and the world to see how powerful you, as in general, are. thank you.

  5. Dear Lecabel, We are one with the Lord Jesus Christ and guide through all my life. Please help me in my financial difficulties and my health as well. Please make all my dreams come true. Please help my family in their everyday life. Thank you.

  6. My guardian angel lecabel 🙏 I pray for you to visit me on 10th October cause I want to be madly rich and happy before that day and also heal my sick dad I hope you can thanks my guardian angel lecabel🙏

  7. My guardian angel lecabel 🙏 I pray for you to visit me on July 4th cause I have been sad I also can’t sleep pls help me sleep I hope you can thanks my guardian angel lecabel🙏

  8. Lecabel,
    I have been hurt by betrayal from my closet family members, and my spouse. My children are torn by my recent separation from my spouse. I feel so alone and I find myself confine myself to my room all the time. I feel I let my son down due to my past infidelities and insecurities. My daughter plays her father and me against each other. I am not a bad person. I remember being happy and I my deepest desire is to hear God speak to me again. I haven’t heard his voice in a long time and I long to hear his voice again. I want to be happy again. I have strayed away from God and I know by doing so I’ve been faced with troubles. Help me reconnect with God, and I believe my troubles, desires, and my finances will be restored. What can I do to get back my happiness?

  9. Dear Angel Lecabel,

    I ask you to guide me thru my life purpose. Help me identify my talents that could bring me financial stability and happiness/purpose to my life.

    Please help me and my partner to get through our court cases and help him to get out of correctional facility as soon as possible, if possible this month please set him feee and return him back home.

    I ask you to help me find career that I enjoy and that brings out the most talents out of me.
    I know you have shown me that you exists for a reason and I thank you for everything that you done already.

    Amen 🙏

    • My Guardian Angle Lecabel God who inspire other I ask you to give me and show me the right way because I’m lost with out guards oh holy Angle I open my heart to your light, to your love to the happiness and wealth you will pour into my life I aspect and receive with all my being

  10. My beloved Angel Lecabel, please help me with solutions to come out from my past mistakes that is about to bring desaster upon me at my working place as i have discovered you and your strength your ability and capabilities over issues like this and let there be an evidence that i have found you and believe in you,

  11. Dear Angel Lecabel,
    “Angel of God”
    I pray to you to guide me in the plans that I have in my life.
    I run short of ideas, skills, knowledge and experiences to execute my plans to achieve success in what I do.
    I see blockages when I start to take actions.
    Angel Lecabel, touch me with your grace.
    Remove the blockages, curses and spells generational and recent, negatives energies, spells and charms, gossipers and jealous people, backstabbers and evil people from my life.
    So that I can achieve financial prosperity and job promotion.
    Thank you and AMEN.

  12. I acknowledge you and it is an honor to know that you are with me and you do not give up on me I sincerely thank you and welcome your present as I will be leaning to feel your present and also teach me to be patient in all situations I am grateful to be called yours thank you

  13. I am grateful to look at my decision making patterns and see the limited belief system that is ruling my life. I am grateful that as I embrace myself completely that you are there to offer guidance and further illuminate the path to my most divinely aligned timeline.

  14. Lecabel, Angel, Protector, Guide, Inspiration: forgive my lack of recognition, forgive my anger at you for my lacks and losses in life, forgive my hubris in assuming that my abilities and talents are mine alone. Thank you for every gift, every insight, every capability and every passage into prosperity I have ever enjoyed. Please guide my future as you have guided my past and as you guide me now. You are the hands; I am the clay.

  15. My beloved angel Lecabel help me show off my talents and support me in all areas my protective guardian angel . Thank you.

  16. My guardian Angel Lecabel help me overcome my emotional states through my reasoning abilities to demonstrate the good sense of judgement and strategy to show case my talent. Thank you

  17. Guardien Angel Lecabel help me dicover my talent in the area of gumbling through visions and dreams. I pray you help me find my soul mate, one that will be supportive, loving and caring. I know you can do it because l believe in you. Amen🙏

  18. My beloved guardian Angel Lecabel I kindly ask for your assistance and guidance in all areas of my life. Thank you.

  19. Letter to Archangel Guardian Lecabel,

    How exciting it is to finally meet you. I ask you help me through this spiritual journey….teach me how to process & remember the information I am learning along the way daily. Help me to be disciplined & to be consistent in all aspects of ky life. I pray that you activate my talents.

    I ask that you light the fire in my heart, enhancing my creativity & transmuting all negative emotions trapped in me. Pour into the fruits of the spirit so that I MAY serve myself & others in a positive manner.

    Love & Light Lecabel

    I am very grateful for Him/Her blessing me with my guardian Angel Lecabel. Please help me share my gifts with Earth.

  20. My Gaurdian Angel Lecabel, please show me you are with me, I need some some guidance, I’m lonely & sad . Please show me my path & I will gladly follow it
    I know your with me how to move on . Amen

  21. Holly divin Angel Lecabel, as you know… I’ve grown up on a dandelion field. With your help and guidance I’ve crossed the tide river and bloom into the daisies field. Now I’ve grown up with life experience and I’m ready to cross the second larger tide rivers and land into the sunflower field to blooming more by elevated my spiritual inner self through becoming a fair helper to my fellow man. Please guide me and show me the way to make it happen. I count on you. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me so far and I’m very thankful that you stand next to me by laying your hands on my shoulders. May God bless you and always keep an eye on you. Can’t wait to meet you on the other side. Love you XOX

  22. My guardian angel Lecabel, forgive me for mistaking you for Uriel, it took me almost 37yrs to finally know you by name, what a great job you have been doing in my life even without me acknowledging you for once, you were patient with me, I thank God for choosing you for me because he knows you are best for me, I will not ask you for anything now, I will just take my time to thank you, you know exactly what I need and I trust you will do what you know how to do best in my life, I love you and thank you for your patience and love for me, God bless you immensely, thank you.

  23. Dear Angel Lecabel
    Thank you very much for being there for me always anf please keep me strong and positive in life. Please guide me to my problems and have self confidence.
    Thanky you guardian lecabel

  24. I pray to you Angel Lecabel, I rejoice for the fact you are my guardian.
    I pray for Divine Mercy, Divine Upliftment, Divine Grace opun my activities, I pray for you to bless the work of my hands,
    Please do not use my iniquity to remember me. Rather grant me favour and open doors.
    AMEN 💙💙💙💙

  25. So happy and grateful that your presence and guidance was communicated to me earlier today Guardian Angel Lecabel. Knowing you will always be there listening for my prayers as I seek and appreciate your divine assistance and manifesting abilities that will aid my success at bettering myself in all areas that you have dominion over. You have already brought me some much needed comfort and relief while I continue to grieve in private and slowly heal from the sudden passing of someone who has occupied half of my heart for such a very long time. And now I must take the helm and try my hardest to stay strong, continue on, and never give up. With your guidance and protection, I know I will be able to. Thank you for always being there for me.

  26. I pray that my talents come to light and I am able to show he world and be useful to me so that I can be stable financially,happy and be a blessing to the world through my talents.

  27. My dear angel lecabel, guardian angel of my dog koma, I grant you permission to intervene as you deem necessary. Please heal my dog koma of whom you are the angel of. Join forces with hahasiah to make a miracle happen so that my dog koma recovers fully from whatever is going on. Thank you 🙏

  28. This is my first time praying to anyone but God but I have no fear, I am asking you Lecabel for your help. Help me live my divine purpose. Hello my life to line up with my hopes and dreams. I want to marry my twin flame (soulmate) and live my happily ever after by spreading love and happiness and peace everywhere. Thank you 😊

  29. With your divine knowledge and supreme wisdom, Lecabel, help me turn my life into an example of Happiness, Righteousness, and Fortune, so that I might help others in turn. Grant the wishes that I shared with you, Because the time has come for me to know my true destiny! 🙏

  30. Am very happy to know you as my guidance angel, and I also want to thank you for being there for me since I was born, dear lecabel please help me so I can move closer to God, and also help in my business so it can flourish more than my expectations. And show me what to do to make me live a good and better life.

  31. Dear Lecabel, Please guide and assist me to reach my destination in life to become successful in my career.Thank You Thank You.

  32. Angel lecabel i need to be rich bcs people are mocking i want to live a better life

  33. Sweet Lecabel. I want to thank you for guiding me. I come to you to ask for your instruction and guidance on my current situation. I pray that my situation will be resolved and life return to a more beautiful and exciting experience. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  34. My Buddy!!. And dearest Lecabel, Thank you so much for always being there for me. I really want to hear you. I think I might have before, but I didn’t get his name. Please shake my arm, pul on my earlobe, or make a mark in my notebook??? I can feel someone physically around one, sometimes both shoulders,. Please help and give me more info, I really need to know. I love you. And so want to hug you! 💗💘

  35. Lecabel, my guardian angel, my soul mate, the center of my eye… thankyou for saving me yesterday. Im very greatful to you and my brother and sisters who introduced me to my protector of life, I humbly ask that you forgive me, please Lecabel you hear my thoughts and know my positive hungers. Help me all the way around.

    I need you more than i show it. My heart and life hunger for your miracles in my life. Adjust me in a way that i will begin to appreciate and learn from my mistakes/ I promise you Lecabel to give me the chance to promise you this and show the outcome: I promise to use what i will be gaining here in the next 4 weeks in useful matter and help those that need financial help, a bite to eat and just introducing them to you who are my blessing and shining star.

    I will share you with those who will love you and call upon you, especially if nothing is needed of you, your presence is a virtue of love. IM HERE AND IM CONJURING YOUR PRESENCE IN MY LIFE AT THIS MOMMENT TO HELP ME GET STABILIZED AND BECOME THE RICH PERSON IM SUPPISE TO BE. HELP ME MANAGE M LIFE AND MONIES IN A WAY I SINT HAVE TO SCRAPE UP CONSTANTLY. Amen

  36. ArchAngel Lecabel, I pray you set me on my right destiny for God’s Glory, Righteousness, Fortune, (Legacy Left to Children & Family). I also ask that you send me my True Love to help serve along side me. That my King and I can build. create together, & crystalize each other into who God has called us to be before we leave this earth. Thank you

  37. Lecabel, please bring someone in my life that actually cares about me and loves me. All i want is some love, that’s it. I’ve been through so much pain that i feel as though i deserve it, yet I continue to get betrayed and hurt. Even by my own family. I have no one. Please help me Lecabel

  38. Celestial Angel Lecabel please don’t abandon me, I need you and I acknowledge that you’ve always been there for me. I love you and need you to open all the doors for me as you’ve done in the past when I was much younger.

  39. Angel Lecabel ,it’s good to know you are my guardian angel.I thank God for you.Help me to grow whatsoever I touch and set my mind upon.Help me in my music and other talents.Help me make a good living doing what I love

  40. Amazing Lecabel,
    My heart en love goes out to you. May your divine manifestation be a source of heavenly abundance and inspiration in life. Please enable me to provide security for me and my family. Likewise, enable me the skill and resources to help others. Thanks you and bless you. May we all grow and develop our souls on this divine path. In the name of God, Love and Kindness I salute you!

  41. Dear, Lecabel. Help me to obtain all my righteous needs that are missing in my life. Help me seek my Divine intervention. Please crash through all my roadblocks I come upon. Take away my debts, my sadness, and anxiety from it all. I need your help. I now know you, Lecabel. In Jesus name Amen

  42. Dear. Lecabel, please help me to find peace and financial comfort with my debts. Also give my son help in becoming responsible for himself (youngest one). I thank you for your Blessings. Amen

  43. Dear Lecabel
    Please help me to move quickly through this difficult time of betrayal by my partner and grow in wisdom, confidence, clarity, creativity and grace to be able to heal from the past and open to a new, loving equal partnership with my soul mate that will allow us to grow together and be able to help and inspire others. Please help give me the intelligence, creativity, inspiration and altruism to create and finish writing my book on death and dying that will help alleviate the suffering and uncertainty of others and help them reach a point of love, understanding and compassion in their lives and with others.
    Thank you.

  44. Dear Angel Lecabel, now that I know you; things will never be the same again. Thank you for Guiding me.

  45. Thank you my Angel I’m proud to be august26 I need your help in every aspect of my life nothing is working and I believe that is not what God wants for me please 🙏 help me.

  46. Love you my guardian angel I appreciate what you have done for me please continue to guard me and help me find my talent

  47. Thank you to you my guardian angel Lecabel for protecting me for so many years without my knowledge and you have helped me to overcome a lot of things. This year has not been the best for me, because of the many plans which I had but have bounced.
    I plead with you to help me in breaking a life cycle of breaking:
    1. Poverty
    2. Lack of financial break through in every project I undertake.
    3. Lack of happiness in life
    4. Stagnation in all aspects of my life
    My protector come my way and help me take charge of my destiny.
    I believe with you I have the backing I have been lacking all along.
    Thank you.

  48. Angel Lacabel please protect my thought and grant me success in my work, love life and inspiration to others .. show me and help me always make the right decissions that will surely be of my own help in the future ..
    Thank you Angel

  49. My dearest Guardian Angel Lecabel,
    I welcome you and I am very very grateful for being there for me since I am born.
    I am so happy and grateful for finally finding you my guardian angel.
    Angel Lecabel I request you to guide and assist me with the purpose of my life to help myself and serve mankind . always be with me to lead a exemplary life of Happiness,Righteousness and Fortune. Help me serve and benefit the people I love and more with my talent, knowledge and strength.
    support me and guide me in all strengths and weaknesses of my life.
    Protect me from negative energies and entities.
    Bring me fortune to serve mankind.
    help me along with Archangel Zadkiel, Archangel Micheal, Arch angel Raguel and all archangels and guardian angels.
    heartfelt gratitude..let there be peace and happiness in the Universe

  50. My Dearest Lecabel. I’ve just found out about you and I acknowledge and welcome you into my life. I love you very much,I wish to see you so I can tell you my wants but you already know them. Please I wrote to you a few days ago. Please grant me what I requested and more so I can give back what I owe to my God. Thank you

  51. Lecabel, I Thank You For Guiding And Protecting Me. Please Help Me With Financial Break Through. I’m In Need Of Money. Please Give Me Numbers To Bet To Win Lottery. I’m Need Of Money Lecabel. Lots Of It. Please Help Me. I Believe In You.

  52. I just learned that you, Lecabel, are with me, guiding me. Thank you! Forgive me when I have strayed. Thank you for your nudges in the right direction to be organized in life, finances, and health. Please help me to stop procrastinating, help me to be content, stay out of debt. and help me move forward and be successful in those areas that you know are best for me. My love and blessing and thanks to Jesus and God, my Father.

  53. Thank you to you my guardian angel lecabel you have protected my in so so many ways and you have helped me to overcome a lot of things. This year you know what we have to do you and me so please help me for we need to start building my angel I know we can do this let financial break through come our way please. I LOVE YOU AND WE WILL DO IT THIS YEAR IN JESUS NAME

  54. Dear Lecabel my Angel,
    I pray for you to help me to show off my talent and light in order to make the people proud and happy. To build a solid life and preserve and attract positivity without fear of losing. To make the choice that I deserve and follow the right path for myself. To give me the strength and energy to say no to bad influence.

  55. My dear Angel Lecabel,
    First of all I thank you and appreciate so much your company in my life. I can feel you. Please send me a sign that you are listening my prayers to you, I just want you to stay with me guiding me always to accomplish my peace. Show me my gift I can use to heal other’s souls. Help we master my order, precision and creativity. Welcome to my life.I acknowledge your in my life. T´hank you, Thank you, Thank you. Amen

  56. My Dear Angel Lecabel….

    I’m putting up my construction Business, please help me with my business transaction…and please
    provide me more projects so i could do more help to the needy people.



  57. Dear Lecabel, give me the ability to easily resolve the different problems in my life.

    Bring me powers of judgment and intelligence to allow me find the most practical solutions to my problems.

    Bring me a love of accuracy and precision. Become a valuable source of support in studies of business and sciences.

    Help me in the pursuit of excellence and quest for order in every aspect of my life. Protect me so i am able to control my emotions through my powers of reason.

    Help me to become a creator, a decision-maker, a conceptualizer, and a planner for the future.

    Channel an abundance of creative and brilliant concepts into my mind.

    Dear Lecabel help me with any lack in skill, ideas, inspiration, anxiety resulting from not making full use of my talents.

    Protect me from social climbers, greedy people, and tricksters.

    Keep me from distraction, carelessness, wasteful mentality. Keep me from bad use of my capitals, resources, as well as business losses, bankruptcy, unresolvable problems,

  58. For the knowledge & Ideas you have I give you much respect my angel lacabel I’m kindly asking you to guide me through my journey to my new destiny b4 this year ends and to help me upgrade my skills in fixing&lighting I really want have my own business & self confidence bless me with the talents you have I want Everthing I touch to come to life may the amight keep watching you for us Amen.

  59. My guardian angel lecabel please help me turn my life around as i have made very poor financial choices so in turn i too can help others i have a talent in singing which i stopped using as i have lost confidence in myself

  60. Dear lecabel firstly I would love to thank you for showing me light in my life you have given me hope that anybody ever did please I ask you to guide me my family, friends&everyone one who is facing hard times, break every generational curses that are stopping us to Prosper show us the way when our brains stop thinking please take it from there so we continue to leave happily everyday guide us through the day please here us🙏

  61. Lecabel, please guide me along the right path and shower me with blessings, and riches so that I can grow and help me to strengthen my faith in GOD.

  62. Dear Angel Lecabel, I welcome and acknowledge you in my Life and Thank you for your wiliness to help mankind!

    Please help me turn my life into an example of Happiness, Righteousness, and Fortune, so that I know my true destiny and be able to help others in turn. I thank you for guidance in every area of my life.

  63. Angel lecabel, I welcome and acknowledge you in my life. I need you to help me with finding employment I’m m qualified for and also help me with my spiritual journey of becoming closer to God.

  64. My guardian angel lecabel, how sweet you are to me. You know my heart desires and future. May you guide me in the path to achieve my heart desires and a happy future which I am destined to have. I love you.

    • Thanks to u my beloved guardian angel who always stay with me in ups and downs..please be with me specially now that my journey begins I’m glad to work in Singapore.I know u will always stay by my side…m😘😘😘

  65. Angel Lecabel I welcome and acknowledge you in my Life. I have just realised some truths about my life and so missthe child that I lost and was not aware that I was pregnant then. I pray that the relationship I’m in now should be a fulifilling one and complete me and heal me from mt past hurts and enjoy Life to the fullest. Amen.

  66. Beloved Lecabel, id really appreciate you guiding my path so i can have the hability to heal others and help them get to enlightment for a happy peaceful life-
    Thank you for listening thank you. I love you.

    • With your divine knowledge and supreme wisdom, Lecabel, help me turn my life into an example of Happiness, Righteousness, and Fortune, so that I might help others in turn. Grant the wishes that I shared with you, Because the time has come for me to know my true destiny


      • I feel so lost at this point in time my faith ,hope and overall energy.I feel so drained. I am tired of waiting on Divin timing I know something is coming I can feel it. But it never comes in. Lecable please guide me and give me the strength and patience to walk by faith. It is really hard at times to stay optimistic thank you lecable . And Jesus Christ in heaven thank you for all your blessings

  67. Oh glorious and remarkable Angel Lecabel guide me that I may have order organization happiness fortune and precision in my skill sets so that my talents are utilized and showcased for my higher and greater good. Amen

    • Dear Lecabel, I thank you for your wiliness to help mankind, I need you to help me locate my divinely ordained life partner and also guide me on the path to find my true destiny and anything that is rightfully mine

  68. Lovely Lecabel, thank you for your presence and light right this moment.
    I thank you for guiding my path, please grant me wisdom in every area of my life.
    Protect me and my loved ones.
    Bless you, thank you!

  69. With your divine knowledge and supreme wisdom, Lecabel, help me turn my life into an example of Happiness, Righteousness, and Fortune, so that I might help others in turn. Grant the wishes that I shared with you, Because the time has come for me to know my true destiny

    • Beloved Samrat Sunkar

      I salute you and your prayer!

      How very brave and vulnerable of you.

      I wish you a Gloriously Beautiful life!

      In divine friendship
      Lady Shamla Rose

    • Thanks Guardian Angel
      Thanks for my success and please keep me strong and positive in life
      I will always praise the Lord and pray for you
      Please guide me to my problems,help and self confidence
      Because these days rather this year 2019 makes me down and frustate
      Please guide me always
      Please make my Dreams come true
      Please help me for some Decisions and Problem
      If I have a sin,please tell God to forgive me
      Thank You Angel Lecabel!
      I will always pray
      And be faithful to you

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I love Lecabel! I want to share!
