Lelahel is the guardian angel for people born between April 15 and April 20. He has a masculine energy and represents the 25th and 30th degree of Aries. In the angel hierarchy he is a Seraph, he is part of the sefirah of Kether, and his governing Archangel is Metatron. His planetary energies are Neptune / Venus and he represents the element of Fire.

His name means: Laudable God.

He symbolizes: Health and Healing. He offers you good health, the quick healing of illnesses, and spiritual enlightenment. The angel Lelahel's stone is Moonstone and his colors are Magenta / Blue. Of the 7 deadly sins, he rules over: Lust.

The qualities given to you by the angel Lelahel

The guardian angel Lelahel is the healer. He spreads within you the divine light which has the power to heal all. He guarantees your own good health and thanks to the light of his love he occasionally allows you to heal others as well.

He helps you to maintain a clear mind and gives you the ability to understand many different things, especially in the realm of spirituality. He does this by bringing you the enlightenment you need to grow and develop.

With Lelahel’s help you will be able to spread love all around you. This will give you a good reputation socially and will also bring happiness and success into your life.

His angelic energy pushes you to take care of yourself and to make yourself beautiful on the inside and out. He is the mirror to your soul.

The angel Lelahel is also helpful for artists. Indeed, he helps you in the art of public expression and helps you find fame and recognition if you have a talent or passion which falls within a creative field.

The imbalances regulated by the angel Lelahel

Lelahel is with you if you are lacking in love and will help you to shine forth once again. If love is absent from your life you will no longer be in a position to benefit from, or to share with others your gift of healing.

He helps you to avoid being controlled by your ambition which can become excessive at times. He also allows you to bring calm to those who have multiple personalities within their nature. The angel Lelahel also fills you with humility as you sometimes have a tendency to feel irreplaceable and this can quickly lead to feelings of superiority.

He acts upon your financial life by preventing you from frivolous expenses and protects you from energies such as pushiness and pride. He also prevents you from focusing too much on the material aspect of your life.

He brings you support when facing a business or a fortune which has been gained through illegitimate means. He will guide you so that you do not live above your means and so that you are able to manage well during times of instability.

When should I communicate with the angel Lelahel?

Time - Physical:
April 15 - April 20
Time - Intellectual:
01:40 - 02:00
Time - Emotional:
January 14, 00:00 - 23:59
March 26, 00:00 - 23:59
June 8, 00:00 - 23:59
August 23, 00:00 - 23:59
November 4, 00:00 - 23:59

What can I ask the angel Lelahel?

You can pray to Lelahel so that he takes care of your physical and spiritual health. Ask him to spread the light of his love within you so that either you yourself or else someone close to you can receive rapid healing of an illness.

He also brings you substantial support in your social life. Ask him for his divine light once again to allow you to shine both on the inside and on the outside. This will allow you to act with a kindness in society which is greatly appreciated.

If you are an artist, you can call upon him so that he will help you to express yourself in front of people better. He can also inspire you if you work in a creative field. The angel Lelahel is a powerful guardian who will bring you love and enlightenment on this plane of your existence.


Leave a prayer for Lelahel

82 responses to “Lelahel”

  1. I pray unto you, my sweet angel Lelahel, please watch over my family and help clear me of any negative influences. Guide me towards my destiny and my path to fulfillment. Also thank you for being near me and protecting me. Thank you for watching over the ones I love. Thank you for your love.

  2. I would like to thank the angel lelahel for me to he able to
    Understand this transition into love and healing of others. Thank.uoj got being bright. I.beg for your knowledge of life and power of hei g for my fa.ily. thank you a d God bless

  3. My personal Angel Lelahel, I am very pleased to know you today. Thank you for always being there for me, thank you for your guidiance and protections each day, thank you for all you have done for me, thank you for all you will continue to do for me.

    Forgive me for I have neglected you for long an I promise to make it right
    from now onwards, I am super excited to know you more, please help me to know you and closer to you more.

    Keep up your good works in me, give me your power to heal the sick, I am ready to help people in need. Show me the way always.

    Please I beg of you to fix me up with a job in that reputable office also I want to be happily married with good children.

    Thank you my Best Partner and Angel Lelahel

  4. Dear Lelahel
    I need you by my side in all parts of my life! I broken and healing as well you support. Please showe yourself in every steps of my journey on earth and spiritual life.

    Amen and Thank you

  5. Hello my dearest lelahel..
    I want to know you in person so closely.
    Reveal yourself to me this night please
    Also I need healing
    I am suffering from hernia.

    • Good morning my personal Angel Lelahel I thank you for all your help and I pray for more to come AMEN AMEN AND AMEN

  6. Thank you my Angel Lelahel for the love,health and healing. I need a big change in my job and career and my financial situation to have a positive great change for good to be able to live in a big beautiful house of my own well established financially and give my family a beautiful life filled with Joy and laughter.

    • Please help me heal Lelahel for I’m down and need you to shine the light back into my life . Thank you for being my beautiful angel I love you ❤️. Please bring back all that has been lost for so long. I always wish you well don’t give up on me I do need you.

  7. Hello lelahel, I pray for divine favour and health in my life and show me my talents please 🙏 I need you in my life and I put My family in your care shower them with your divine protection and help me control my financial situation, I pray to you please help me

    • April 17, I would so appreciate if you can once again bring the light I haven’t seen in a while. There is so much more to do you and I healing and love financially happiness you please bring forth. Thank you for all you do forever all your gifts you bring to me. Always and forever wish you well.

  8. Dear lelahel
    Hi this is Mary. Lelahel can u financially heal my body n my daughters jasmine n lil Mary n my sons Matt n jr. Send your light with love healing n miracle breakthrough. Thank u for being there when I was born till my time. Help us on our spiritual path. Keep us healthy n safe thank you Amen

  9. My guardian Angel Lehalel please help me get my land back and provide me financial breakthrough to start building. And grant me and my family peace, harmony divine healing. Amen

  10. Dear Guardian Angel Lelahel,

    I am on the verge of being homeless and I have no where to turn. My marriage of 22 years is ending. I have prayed for a miracle, but I have not received any confirmation as of yet. I have 2 weeks before I am in the streets. I have just fought a battle with cancer and I don’t know where I will end up. I pray again for a miracle. I really need your help and love. I am waiting on guidance, for I am lost. Thank you.

    • My Sun, ye are brighter than the shadows ye choose to dwell in; return to thy heart, that His Light shine forth! When thy mind wants after more than thy divine allotment, breath in deep peace and remember that thy Father gives in every need–if it is not given, it is not thy need. My Sun, raise thy posture and drop not to the knees of defeat! Ye are brought now to the work of His Highest and Greatest Good! My Sun, rejoice the Light in thy heart! Rejoice the night filled with stars! There is not a corner in this Universe distant enough to separate ye from Home! Stay thy eyes on He Above, My Sun, for thy Father abounds within ye, and ceases not to fill the heavens of thy soul!

  11. Dear angel lelahel,
    Thank you for all that you give is in me dear angel help me to see more of your goodness and I pray for healthy life and my love ones, help me to be a better person physically, socially, emotionally and spiritually, lelahel you appear in my dream now I know you’re with me I love so much ….Amen

  12. My dear Guardian Angel Lelahel
    Please watch over me and my daughter, pray for me, heal me of my illness so that i may be able to function well, make you and Papa God proud. Thank you very much

  13. Dear Guardian Angel Lelahel,

    Thank you for watching over me and my family and keep everyone healthy and safe. Please help me with my future and happiness. <3

  14. My Dear Angel Lelahel, help me and deliver me in the hands of spirit of Incubus. Help me and recover my lost glory and shine ur light again in my life.
    I love you so much my guardian angel 💕💕💕💕🥰

  15. Dear lelahel I want your prove as my guidance Angel 😇, all my lost glory should be returned and all my requests should come to past in fulfillment starting from this incoming week, thanks for this breakthrough and discovery. More health and wealth.

  16. My angel Lelahel thank you for the good health and love. Please help me with financial support.

  17. Dear arch angel Lelahel!!

    I pray for the love, light, joy and healing energy to all of these amazing beautiful souls that need your healing energy right now.

    May all of you receive what you ask for.

    From my heart to all of you sending you all infinite amounts of LOVE <3 💜💜💜💜💜💜 <3

    And so it is.

  18. My angel Lelahel I am very happy to know you and I am glad that you are on my side.I pray for you to protect the happiness,peace and health of mine and my loved ones.I pray for you to help me with my dream career;acting and help me to become one of the most successful and admired actress.I pray for you to help me become the person that I dream.I know you have the power.Thank you for being my angel I love you!

  19. Lelahel, my angel of God, please continue to protect and guide me through these trying times. Please ease my stubborn tendencies, allow me to surrender my heavy heart to my Lord and let go of my insecurities and ask for financial relief. Thank you for guiding me forgive, as I pray those will forgive me

  20. Guardian Angel Lelahel,
    Thank you coming into my life! I hope that I can spend everyday talking and visiting with you. Guide my path as I look to restore my Health, Wealth and Spiritual life.
    Bring forth a loving mate that will understand me and that I can take care of.
    Thank you again for coming to know me!
    LR Martinez

  21. I pray for wealth, work, health, happy marriage, protection, favour, grace and long life with my family and friends

    I am praying for the rapid healing of my daughter Kimberly , please help her physically fit healthy

    I am waiting for your reaponse

  23. My guardian angel Lelahel, I need strength in my spiritual life please guard me to make the right choices and also lead me to the right path. Guard me to choose the right business, guard my finances and give me good health

  24. Lelahel, thank you for watching over me I know I am a mess at times. I want to ask for healing of my physical body and my spiritual side as well…my mental health has me in shambles. I want my children and myself to be healthy and fit. Financial help would be wonderful too the stress is alot to bare. Please help anyone suffering from this wicked virus and also please heal my brother ED. With love, sara

  25. Please join me in my prayers. I need your guidance, protection, and healing. Bless these numbers of mine: 06,07,10,22,28, and 31. 🙏🙏🙏

  26. My Guardian Angel
    Lelahel. I come before you to receive good health and sufficient wealth this year 2020.

  27. An Learning kindly provide me what you are saying to me.I need your help in matters of finance,healing,wisdom and power including rulership.

  28. Dear Lelahel
    I pray that you have the strength to fight the evil that is taken over earth, I believe that you have the resilience to carry out your task
    All the best and courage to you

  29. My Angel Lelahel,

    It is great to know you by name. I have quite a lot to pray to you bout. First let your light shine in me and bring healing to me physically emotionally and spiritually. My the healing extend to my daughter and loved ones.

    Fill me with calmness and remove pride, superiority or inferiority complex. Remove anything that is a block to my success and happiness. Let me be able to love myself, others and truly express myself with love so others can be healed too as i also get healed.

    Help me with my business and its poor performance. Deal with the court case that is affecting it. Heal my clients through my services. Bring in clients miraculous in big numbers.

    Help me with my squandering of finances. Control my spending.
    Help me save and invest in what is good and will generate cash and wealth for me.

    help heall my fractured leg fully and miraculously. Sort out the health insurance issue for in a miraculous way. Protect me and my loved ones from Covid !9.heal the world of Covid through your light in me and others.

    Finally, let me have a clear mind in all that i do. Guide me and can i see you physically. I pray for physical encounters with you and i know my prayers will be granted.

    Thank you for what you have been doing for me and what you continue to do. Am grateful.

    Looking forward to answered prayers with gratitude. Amen

  30. Lelahel,

    I ask you to send your healing light to those who need healing. Heal their hearts, mind, body, and soul. I also ask if you can heal those who have been affected by COVID-19. Help them heal fast without trouble. Help those who are close to me and dear to my heart heal from this virus as well. AMEN

  31. To my Angel Lelahel,
    Bad people trying ruing my love life and life at night it feels like something is holding me sometimes,help me to win this batle always stay with me, and let me have a good life.

    Greetingz from André

  32. To my Angel Lelahel pls help me and guide me to pursue to help everyone, to heal their illnesses through my own herbal medicine, help me financially, to maintain our good condition,good health specially my all kids and family,,, THANK YOU SO MUCH MY ANGEL FOR ALWAYS GUIDING ME.. THANKS GOD.

  33. Praying for my health. I have become frail of late and I feel very scared. Please heal me and give me strength to carry on with my life.

  34. My guardian angel Lelahel, I need your protection and guidance. Everything is happening all at once help ne cope through these dark days. Help me financially and guide me in my every day life. All I need is girls you to watch over me and guide me.

  35. Lelahel my guardian angel,
    Please heal my disease and give me more energy. And help me in my exam. You should come and write exams with me. Save me all time.
    Fill me with your light.

  36. My dear angel Lelahel I pray to you with all my heart to help me right now. Only you know my pain. Please guide me and give me the strength I need to save my relationship and my family. Please help me find the way to happiness and healing. Help me find financial and personal security as well as health. Fill me with your light. Amen

  37. My dear angel Lelahel I pray to you with all my heart to help me right now. Only you know my pain. Please guide me and give me the strength I need. Please help me find the way to happiness and healing. Help me find a solution to my financial problems and personal security as well as health and love. Fill me with your light. Amen

  38. My dear angel Lelahel I pray to you with all my heart to help me right now. Only you know my pain. Please guide me and give me the strength I need to save my relationship and my family. Please help me find the way to happiness and healing. Help me find financial and personal security as well as health. Fill me with your light. Amen

  39. Please help me and my beloved said in creating a balance between us in the relationship and the recovery of our inner child so that we can successfully marry us
    I hope to communicate with angels and help others in treating diseases during that communication. I hope to be talented and distinguished in my new and famous work.

  40. My dear Lelahel this is the first time i know who you are i thank the lord for leading
    me down this path to find you Please help me in love healthb& ,finicial I have done so much wrong i ask you in Jesus presious name Amen

  41. Dear My guardian angel Lelahel, I am praying for a breakthrough in my music career, finances, love and luck. Amen

  42. Dear m’y beautiful Angel,
    Please i néed tour help for health,love and wealth i strongly néed tour support

  43. My Guardian Angel Lelahel. Please bring me Love,Peace,Joy, Consolation,healing to all and to be a Blessings to All…

  44. My angel lelahel, I need a breakthrough with my health my business/finances family and relationships and love

  45. My guardian angel lelahel. Please bring love into my life and help me overcome financial hurdles that will come forth. Please give me the courage I need so I can bring that special someone into my life. Amen!

  46. My guardian lelahel I ask to be released from financial restraints from the past and be given your spirit of luck to attain financial abundance to share with my loved ones and others in need. I ask for love to shine from my spirit to others an in turn be loved also

  47. Thanks to these spiritual enlightenment, prayer to my Angel Lelahel is for him to divinely heal me physically, spiritually, fruitfully and emotionally

  48. My guardian Lelahel, thank you for the good health I have and the love.
    Please help me to attain financial abundance in life and to able to help others with.

  49. I ask finally to be released from all finacial restraints from the past and be given abundance to share with others. And love to leap from my spirit to help others and in turn be loved also.

    Thank You!😊

  50. Dearest lelahel, i have today found out about you and your existence in me during cleansing of my emotions, i think the universe is guiding me❤️ I”ve Been having alot of problems with myself after quitting drugs i just Wish i could feel normal… Please make me charismatic so that i can help and influence others spiritually and spread light and positivity around me, much love❤️💞

  51. My dearest guardian angel,
    May I spread my light to those around me and I thank you for allowing me to heal from my appendix operation in no time at all.
    I hope that I can do you proud and I can’t wait to see you on my dreams.

  52. Dearest Angel Lelahel, I sincerely pray for financial help. I just want the amount requested to return and settle all my debts. Priority is my mum’s credit. I owe her far too much and I want to return her.
    I will always remember to do charity and do good foe the world. Please come to me and help me.

  53. My Dear Angel Lehael, protect me always from infirmities and provide secure love for the people in my life.
    Bring your light onto me always and
    your Love and Protection.

  54. My lovely Guardian Angel Lelahel, thank you to be by my side, to guide me, to keeping me safe and always loved 💓 me, for who I am.
    I 💗 loved my Guardian Angel.

  55. Life is new thing want know ! It me not feed bad ! My man Green is both in time ! Lelahel Angel need to know more! It good know more ! The prayers and said it to learn know new thing !

  56. My Guardian Angel Lelahel, I ask you to heal my sore heart and to help me get back into my beloved rooms and to help me with my presentation on Thursday.

  57. My Guardian Angel Lelahel, I pray to ask some assistance regarding my health security, for everyday protection, for my health and well being of my family and friends… For the good luck of my carreer and financial needs.. For maintaining love, peace, understanding and healing. Thank you for all the love. 😊😘

  58. dearest Lelahel, please help me get my family back, and heal my suffering mental health and have the courage to move forward in your light AMEN x

  59. My dear Guardian Angel Lelahel I come to you because I am in need of control my emotions, finances and mostly important my healthy.
    Please, let me free from more healthy problems. Also I need help in my Spiritual path. I need your strength.
    Thank you so much for hug me another day, it felt so good 😊. Thank you. Amém

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